The first tug-of-war competition


It is more appropriate to describe the next competition as "pulling out the mountain and raising the tripod". Whether it is the hero pulling out the mountain and raising the tripod or the arhat cast in copper, any difficulty in front of the spirit of unity, cooperation and perseverance of the staff of the first flight can only be lamented!

The company recently organized a tug-of-war competition, with a total of 4 teams participating in the competition, looking forward to the mighty team, contestants, cheerleaders and solidarity teams... Looking at the posture of swallowing mountains and rivers alone is enough to "want to conquer the world with strength"! Although today we do not judge heroes by success or failure, in front of the competition, the first voyage people are always ready to fight for the first place forever..

When the whistle of the game sounded, I saw the players holding the long rope and pulling back with all their strength!

All the teams have shown a strong lineup, working together to win the first place!

The employees who did not participate in the competition spontaneously formed a cheerleading team to cheer for the competition players. Whistles and shouts came and went one after another. The fierce competition on the scene pushed the whole activity to a climax!

During the competition, the players from all departments worked hard, and the atmosphere was extremely fierce both on and off the field!

In the course of the competition, the players from all departments worked hard, and the rhythmic shouts and cheering echoed for a long time. Especially at a time when the outcome is difficult, everyone does not retreat, grit their teeth and stick to it. The players on the field are all high-spirited and use their sweat to tell us the meaning of unity. Their tenacious perseverance and fighting spirit moved everyone. The staff of the on-site cheerleaders were all enthusiastic, and the cheering added a touch of light to the game, and every cry brought a force!


After all, the competition was cruel. After the fierce competition, the battle was finally finalized, and the four teams became the most powerfulMoreStrong, the event so far a complete success.